Golden Milk Recipe – The delicious drink with magical powers

At least that’s how it is called by one or the other. The magic powers come from the turmeric plant. Strictly speaking, from the turmeric root. It is very healthy and makes a delicious drink with milk. We would like to introduce you to a turmeric golden milk recipe.

Golden milk for what

Turmeric Golden Milk Recipe
Source: Kanwardeep Kaur,

Golden milk is actually just milk with turmeric. The turmeric spice turns the milk bright yellow , which is why the drink is also called golden milk. But not only because of the color it is the golden milk. Turmeric is a very healthy spice . It increases your resistance to diseases, is antibacterial, relieves stomach problems and promotes digestion. That makes it a special milk. Milk originally comes from Ayurvedic cuisine. Here they teach that turmeric improves the complexion and is a detox for the body. The drink is also known as Golden Latte or Turmeric Golden Milk.

How often and when is the best time to drink the Golden Milk?

Daily. The milk is suitable as a breakfast drink in the morning or as a coffee or tea alternative in the afternoon. You can also drink the Goldene Latte in the evening without any worries. It’s free of caffeine or anything that keeps you up at night. On the contrary, it has been a source of relaxation in the evening for centuries.

Since turmeric with milk is invigorating as well as relaxing, it can also be drunk well after exercise or yoga.

How is Turmeric Golden Milk prepared?

All you need to prepare it is milk and turmeric. For milk, you can go for classic cow’s milk. But if you eat vegan, it is best to use oat, rice or almond milk. However, since turmeric does not taste particularly good on its own, you should add spices such as cinnamon, pepper or cardamom. For quick preparation, we recommend using Golden Milk Powder. This allows you to quickly and easily enjoy a cup of golden milk.

Golden milk powder

In order not to have to mix all the ingredients together every time you enjoy them, ready-made mixes are already available in stores. The mixtures usually consist of powder and are therefore easy to stir into the milk and have a long shelf life. All are mixed with spices such as ginger, cinnamon or pepper. We would like to recommend you 3 golden milk powder mixtures.

Organic golden milk for turmeric latte mix * 250g + 25g extra XXL pack from EWL natural products

Refined with the spices turmeric, ginger, ashwaganda, Ceylon cinnamon and Ceylon pepper

Holi Natura – ORGANIC Turmeric Latte Blend with Ashwagandha * (150g)

Golden milk powder * from Hennes Finest (150g)

Preparation of the finished powder

All three powders presented are easy to prepare. Take 1 teaspoon with 1 cup of milk (200ml) and mix well.

Make your own Golden Milk recipe

If you don’t want to buy Golden Milch, you can make your own. The recipe for the Golden Milk is also not that difficult to prepare. You only need 6 ingredients. You probably already have most of them at home. The recipe shouldn’t take you more than 5 minutes. The only utensils you need are a mortar* and a jar with a lid for storage. Just use an old jam, chocolate or pickle jar. But wash and dry well beforehand.

The turmeric mixture is dry, stored as a powder, and can be kept for a good half a year. It makes about 10 cups.

Ingredients for 1 glass of Golden Milk recipe powder

  • 4 THE Kurkuma Pulver
  • 2 tbsp ginger powder
  • 2 tbsp cinnamon
  • 1/8 tsp nutmeg
  • 1/2 TL Pfeffer
  • 1 capsule of cardamom

Preparation of the Golden Latte recipe powder

  1. Take the mortar and fill in all the spices.
  2. Then mash the mixture as finely as possible. Mix everything well.
  3. Once everything is finely chopped, pour the powder into a glass.

Tip: It makes sense to crush the peppercorns and cardamom pod first.

Preparation of the golden milk with powder

For a cup of Golden Milk , warm milk and stir in 1-2 spoons of the homemade powder. Stir well and enjoy warm.

Options for adapting the milk to your taste:

  • YOU like the milk with a stronger taste, use more powder. If you like the milk less strong, then add less powder.
  • YOU like the milk sweeter, then add some honey (not vegan), Algarve syrup or sugar (erythritol/xylitol).
  • YOU like the milk creamier, then stir in 1 tsp coconut oil.
  • YOU don’t like warm drinks in summer? Then serve the milk chilled with ice cubes in summer.

In a nutshell – Frequently asked questions

Golden milk recipe vegan

If you want to enjoy your Golden Milk vegan, then of course you can’t use cow’s milk, but plant milk. Oat milk, rice milk or almond milk are particularly suitable for this. We do not recommend soy milk because we believe it has too strong a taste of its own.

Golden milk with oat milk

You can prepare your turmeric golden milk with oat milk. Oat milk is very suitable as a plant milk for your turmeric milk. Alternatively, you can also use almond milk.

Golden milk with almond milk

You can prepare your turmeric golden milk with almond milk. Almond milk or almond coconut milk is very suitable as a plant milk for your turmeric milk. Alternatively, you can also use oat milk.

Golden Milk Thermomix

You can prepare your golden latte even faster and easier in the thermomixer. Simply add milk and golden milk powder to the blender and let your golden milk heat up in a controlled manner. You can find out exactly how to set the Thermomix under Preheat Vorwerk .

Make Golden Milk Paste

You can make golden milk not only as a powder, but also as a paste. We are more of a fan of the powder, as the turmeric paste only lasts 2 weeks in the fridge. The powder has a much longer shelf life and is just as healthy. Check out for recipes for the Golden Milk Paste .

If you have any further questions about the Golden Milk recipe, please let us know in the comments.